Eye Problems

SCUBADOC Diving Medicine Online

Diving After Eye Surgery

Individuals who have undergone ophthalmic surgical procedures should allow an appropriate period for wound healing before resuming diving. Factors increasing the risk of post-operative complications: Marine organisms may cause infections when they contaminate non-epithelialized wound surfaces of the cornea, sclera, conjunctiva, or lid tissuesThese pathogens may enter the eye through unhealed corneal or scleral wounds...

Hyperbaric Oxygenation and the Eye

Researchers in Italy are reporting a breakthrough treatment for retinitis pigmentosa with the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Daily hyperbaric oxygen at 2.2 atmospheres of pressure was employed among 24 RP patients for two years. The electroretinogram readings of RP patients undergoing hyperbaric oxygen treatment improved from 4.86 at the beginning of the study to...

The Effect of Oxygen Toxicity on the Eye

Manifestations of oxygen Toxicity eyelid twitching is the most commonly seen manifestation of O2 toxicity and usually is a warning that a full-blown seizure is imminent. blurred vision visual field constriction visual hallucinations transient one-sided loss of vision reversible after termination of the O2 exposure. Treatment Removal of the O2 source immediately. No residua unless...

Arterial Gas Embolism (AGE) of the Eye

Caused by pulmonary barotrauma as the diver ascends, with bubbles getting into the pulmonary venous system and arterial circulation from rupture of alveoli. This can happen in as little as 4 feet of water if the diver holds the breath while ascending with compressed air Ocular symptoms generally come from cerebral defects posterior to the...

Decompression Sickness Involving the Eye

Signs and Symptoms Nystagmus (flicking of the eyes) double vision blank areas in the vision loss of half the vision in an eye pain in the eye muscles blindness inability to see close up objects inflammation of the optic nerve blockage of the central retinal artery. Incidence of Ocular DCS In two large series was...

Barotrauma of the Eye

Normally, the eye is protected from barotrauma because the eye is filled with non compressible fluids, the aqueous and vitreous humors. A mask has air filled space that is compressible, affecting the eye and it’s adnexa. If the diver does not expel gas through the nose into the mask on descent, negative pressure develops inside...

Diving Related Vision Loss

Contact lens adherence due to salt water with resultant irritation and blurred vision. Corneal swelling due to bubbles under a rigid gas permeable contact lens. Displaced contact lens Reaction to commercial mask anti-fog chemicals leading to blurred vision, photophobia, tearing and spasm of the eye muscles. Eye doctors identify this as keratopathy with the slit...

Contra-indications to Diving from Eye Problems

Post-operative gas in the eye Diving should not be allowed early in the post-operative period because of the possibility of gas having been inserted purposefully or inadvertently. Boyle’s Law dictates that the air will change in volume inversely in proportion to the depth and the possibility of injury to the eye would be great. Hollow...
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