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SCUBADOC Medycyna Nurkowa Online
Decompression Illness in Sports Divers: Part I
Abstract Decompression sickness (DCS) results from gas coming out of solution in the bodily fluids and tissues when a diver ascends too quickly. This occurs because decreasing pressure lowers the solubility of gas in liquid. Also, the expansion of gas in the lungs may lead to alveolar rupture, also known as „Pulmonary Overinflation Syndrome,” which...
Decompression Illness in Sports Divers: Part II
Abstract Decompression sickness (DCS) results from gas coming out of solution in the bodily fluids and tissues when a diver ascends too quickly. This occurs because decreasing pressure lowers the solubility of gas in liquid. Also, the expansion of gas in the lungs may lead to alveolar rupture, also known as „Pulmonary Overinflation Syndrome,” which...
Exercise and Decompression Accidents
The inveterate runner or hiker on a dive trip often wants to know if there is any harm in exercising before or after diving. Of course, the problem is whether or not bubbles are induced by pre-dive exercise or by exercise immediately after a non-saturation dive. The scientists at NASA are understandably interested in this...
Risks for DCS
Some Causes of Decompression Accidents The best way to categorize the various ways a diver can prevent the occurrence of DCS is by looking for the causes of the accident. Some predisposing causes for DCS are as follows: Inadequate decompression or violating the no-decompression limits. By surfacing too rapidly and not taking safety stops a...
DCS Prevention
Prior to 1980, there was an organization known as „Leofast”, located at Brooks A.F.B., TX , where divers consulted with hyperbaric physicians concerning possible diving injuries.In the twelve years prior to 1980 there were 62 cases of DCS reported and described. Here are some of the suspected causes of the illnesses thought to be DCS:...
DCS: Definition and Early Management
Decompression Sickness First described in 1841, decompression sickness has gradually become better understood. Sport divers have provided a large body of material to study causing us to be able to learn more about the illness. It’s safe to say that DCS is caused by the production of nitrogen bubbles in the circulation, and this is...
Patent Foramen Ovale
PFO (Patent foramen ovale) is a persistent opening in the wall of the heart which did not close completely after birth (opening required before birth for transfer of oxygenated blood via the umbilical cord). This opening can cause a shunt of blood from right to left , but more often there is a movement of...
- Fitness
- Age
- Bones & Joints
- Dental Problems
- Skin Problems
- Endocrine
- ENT Problems
- Eye Problems
- GI Problems
- Heart Problems
- Hemic System
- Neurology Problems
- Kidney Problems
- Drugs
- Psychological Problems
- Lung Problems
- Women Divers
- Men Diver
- Fitness to dive
- Gases, Depth and Pressure Hazards
- Marine and Travel Hazards
- Risc Management