Underwater Blast Injuries
Printed with permission from the authorDR. P.G. LANDSBERG MDOriginally published in "Trauma & Emergency Medicine Vol 17 No 2 July 2000in South Africa.INTRODUCTIONThe term blast refers to the intense sound…
Printed with permission from the authorDR. P.G. LANDSBERG MDOriginally published in "Trauma & Emergency Medicine Vol 17 No 2 July 2000in South Africa.INTRODUCTIONThe term blast refers to the intense sound…
Even if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, or heart disease and need an oxygen supply, you should be able to travel so…
You've just gotten home from a dive and you're feeling rotten. You ache all over, are so tired you can hardly hold your head up and you have a low…
PULMONARY FUNCTIONMost divers tend towards an increase in vital capacity with age but the general conclusion, that divers tend to have larger vital capacities than nondivers, was not confirmed by…
COPD and Mucous plugsMost of the risks of smoking and diving are related to long term usage--the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that smoking produces over many years. This obstruction is…
Sarcoidosis is a disease that causes inflammation of the body's tissues. Inflammation is a basic response of the body to injury and usually causes reddened skin, warmth, swelling, and pain.…
Historic Contra-indication to divingTraditionally, asthma has been thought to be an absolute contraindication to diving. The classical thought is that the asthmatic has air-trapping associated with the constrictive airway disease,…
Clinical:Pulmonary involvement with langerhans cell histiocytosis is characterized by a granulomatous infiltration of the alveolar septae and bronchial walls by foamy histiocytes. The disorder is uncommon, accounting for only 3.4%…
HistoryThe same conditions that cause spontaneous pneumothorax can be deadly in the increased ambient pressures of diving - and even in the pressure changes that take place in pressurized aircraft.…
Pathophysiology Arterial gas embolism is a major cause of death in diving and the initiating cause (pulmonary barotrauma) usually goes undetected. Caused most often by the expansion of respiratory gases…